This time of year screams shopping, spending, and bargain hunting. With less than 25 days until Christmas, employees have limited time to buy those last minute holiday gifts. Strolling through workplace “cube farms” across the country, you’re bound to find multiple web browser pages open to retail websites and maybe the company email. Productivity is challenged this time of year, however this is when employee morale is at its all-time high.

Employers and Employees should find a happy medium during this time of year. Managers should give realistic work expectations and deadlines during the month of December. Weekly one-on-one meetings are good ways to keep tabs on the productivity and also spread holiday joy. If the manager finds his team is dawdling, allow team to partner together to complete assignments. Managers should keep in mind this is a time of great stress for all, and small perks like these are greatly appreciated.

Employees should be respectful of company time and limit cyber shopping during breaks and lunchtime. Also, limiting shopping to cell phones to avoid slowed company internet connection is a better solution to avid shoppers. If your company allows unrestricted shopping, don’t take advantage of the privilege. Use moderation. It’s very likely that activity is being monitored for excesses. Everyone should be mindful of cyber security. Use only those sites that you know and trust. The last thing you want is to expose your company’s network to malware or infect it with a virus. Never provide your company email address when making personal transactions. Confirmations, receipts and correspondence should go to your personal address.

It is always a good idea to review the policy on company internet usage during the holiday season. Don’t jeopardize your bread and butter all in the name of holiday cheer!